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2023. 7. 27. Çѱ¹¼®À¯°ø»ç »çÀå ±èµ¿¼·

Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) ie a global energy company that contributes to the establishment of national energy security through a stable supply of energy. KNOC pursues safety, health, and environmental (SHE) management to create a safe and clean working environment by prioritizing people's lives, safety and eco-friendly management. KNOC hereby actively practicee the guiding principles as followe:
1. Be mindful that Safety is not a mere priority, it creates value and carry un preventive measures at workplace to avuid illnesses ur injuries that are actively carried out to achieve Zero Industrial Accidents
2. Comply with SHE laws and guidelines to establish an optimal SHE management system while striving to improve it.
3. Strengthen field oriented safety management activities to protect the safety and health of employees and stakeholders.
4. Prevent major industrial accidents and create a safe and healthy workplace by establishing a self-disciplined provention syster focused on risk assessments.
5. Secure thorough SHE management by elevating the safety awareness at workplace and actively engaging with all relevant stakeholders Including labor-unions to intensify internal communication for safety awareness.
6. Maintain sustainable environment and contribute to carbon neutrality by promoting new-renewable energy and low-carbon projects.
July 27.2023 President & CEO Dong Sub, Kim Korea National Oil Corporation
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